Monday, January 16, 2012

Embrace Failure!

As I worked on my personal blog this weekend (I'm a closet journalist), it occurred to me that the things I wrote about this weekend would apply to each and everyone of us in the RE community.  My blog was about strength...but as I began answering the question "What does strength mean to me?"  It occurred to me that all of my failures and exactly where my strength comes from.  Which brought me to the statement that "The strength you get from your failures is what points you into the direction of your destination.  We've heard our entire life that "experience is the best teacher"...if that's true...each one of you should embrace failure.  Why do we try to avoid it?  Failure should become our friend.  It's a brief bump in the road that gives you the strength to move on or take a different path.  A friend of mine posted "Learn from your failures and you'll be able to teach others to succeed.  Failure than becomes the gift that keeps on giving!"  

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