Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thank YOU!!! Happy Holidays!

So I've missed a couple of Blog posts.  Mostly because we've been trying to ramp up and now work out the kinks of the move that our company underwent last week.  I'm happy to say that the Elizabethtown, Ephrata, and Lancaster offices are full and bustling with excitement from our wonderful agents and staff!  For any RE/MAX Associates of Lancaster agents….Thank you so much for your patience during this time of transition!  2012 will be a bright year for each and everyone of you!  To our staff….how do we begin to show our gratitude!  The support and the patience you have exemplified over the last few months has been priceless!!!  

As we begin to think about settling down for our short "winter's nap".  I hope each and every one of you finds some relaxation (we all need it) and some much needed time with family and loved ones!  

The recipe for success is our Agents and our Staff!!!  As we gear up for a prosperous 2012…We are Thankful for each and every one of YOU!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Moving Time....

It's moving week here at RE/MAX Associates of Lancaster.  Our Lausch Rd office is relocating to our newly remodeled Delp Rd office.  The Delp Rd. furniture is coming to Elizabethtown.  We've all been anxiously waiting for this day to come...but the logistics of pulling it off have kept everyone busy!  We all are just hoping everything goes smooth and our phone lines stay afloat!

This makes me think about working with your clients and doing what you can to assist them with their moves!   How many of you do something out of the ordinary?  Do you provide a list of contact numbers, menus, etc. in the area that they are moving to?  Do you sign your clients up for the Lowe's Realtor Benefits Program?  Do you stop in and visit with your clients after their move? 

I want to hear from you!  Please let me know your thoughts on this?  How involved should we stay with our clients?  Don’t you think going above and beyond is exactly what customer service is about????  

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Training Classes

I wanted to formerly invite you to some of our upcoming training programs. Please feel free to join in on any of these awesome classes. As you know, this office is committed to your success!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Where is YOUR business going in 2012?

December tends to be the busiest time of year.  With the holidays, parties, traveling, cooking, baking, decorating, shopping….ahhh and the traffic.  Just look around and you don’t see anyone slowing down. 

I’ve always been amazed that with everything going on around us…. This tends to be times of change in the Real Estate business.  This is when agents start to reevaluate their business practices.  They take a look back over the last year and ask themselves if their pleased with their results.  Each one of you should be proud of what you’ve accomplished!    

Do you have a plan for 2012?   For better or worse, we all need a business plan; just as a builder needs plans to build a house.  You must have goals and action steps, and you need to review it regularly and keep it updated.  Most of all it needs to be easy, we won’t work it if it’s not easy. 

My suggestion is to separate your marketing plan from your business plan.  Your business plan needs to be about the big picture of how you run your business.

Find a quiet place without distractions.   Start asking yourself some of the tough questions?

·      Where did my business come from over the last 12 months?
o   What’s working?
o   What do I need to do to get better?
o   What needs more consistency?
o   What adjustments do I need to make?
·      How many appointments did I go on?
·      How many listings?
o   Percentage Sold?
o   List Price to Sale Price Ratio?
·      How many Buyers?

Know Your Numbers!!!!  Nothing is more powerful than your numbers!!!

Consider the 3-5 things you really want to attend to in relations to your long term vision for your business, write these down and then write action steps for each of these, with time lines for each.

Having a plan is critical to your business growth.  Whether you’re looking for more clients, more visibility or more income in your business.  You can reach all of these goals by creating and following through with a plan.  Afterall, the things we focus on expands!!!

If you would like any assistance with working on your business plan, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I’d be happy to sit down and help you define your business goals.