It's moving week here at RE/MAX Associates of Lancaster. Our Lausch Rd office is relocating to our newly remodeled Delp Rd office. The Delp Rd. furniture is coming to Elizabethtown. We've all been anxiously waiting for this day to come...but the logistics of pulling it off have kept everyone busy! We all are just hoping everything goes smooth and our phone lines stay afloat!
This makes me think about working with your clients and doing what you can to assist them with their moves! How many of you do something out of the ordinary? Do you provide a list of contact numbers, menus, etc. in the area that they are moving to? Do you sign your clients up for the Lowe's Realtor Benefits Program? Do you stop in and visit with your clients after their move?
I want to hear from you! Please let me know your thoughts on this? How involved should we stay with our clients? Don’t you think going above and beyond is exactly what customer service is about????
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